We are a NACCC Enhanced Accredited centre for Child Contact Services!
So now the time has come to go to the centre and have Family Time Sessions and we are really looking forward to welcoming you!
This is the entrance to the contact centre - when you arrive here you will be met by your Family Support Worker - They will support you in saying goodbye to your adult and take you through to your session room.
We are a centre that helps children see their parents or relatives, particularly when children haven’t seen their parents or relatives for a long time or children need a little support. We are here to make sure you feel happy and safe and enjoy your time with your parent.
When you come to our building, you will be greeted by one of us and we will say goodbye to our adult dropping us off. Once we have said goodbye, we will go to a room where your parent or relative you are coming to see is waiting. In the room there will be some different toys. You can also bring some toys or activities from home if you want to. We will be right there if you need us.
We understand sometimes we feel worried, we get a funny feeling in our tummy, or we really really don’t want to do something. We will always encourage you to come in because sometimes once you’ve done it once or twice then you get used it and begin to enjoy it. All we ask is that you try. We are with you every step of the way and usually all those nerves you may be feeling will soon disappear.